Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Confucius Says

Confucius says...... Woman who kneels on floor waiting for her husband to notice she is missing, and come and look for her so she can give him a suprise headjob.... will get sore knees and stomp off after getting sick of waiting.

Confucius also says..... Husband who is too busy looking at stupid videos on the internet to notice his wife is missing and look for her..... will miss out on a damn fine headjob.

Confucius adds..... Husband will get sore wrist when pissed off Wife shuts off his "toybox privileges" for the next month or two :)


Jess said...

Cuntfucius say Jess available, willing and ready. ;)

Von said...

Blah blah blah, heard it all before woman.... still waiting for you to arrive for the last few promises you owe me :) xoxoxo

Angry said...

ah... but I'm closer Von and you KNOW you got me if you want...

Von said...


Von said...

wonders if Jess realises she said cuntfucius? PMSFL

Angry said...

i love it when Jess talks dirty....

Von said...

Yeah I love the way she drawls the c word