Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fuffell and ZoZo

Oh faithful readers,

I have a request, I want you to go visit a blog for me. My brother has started his own blog. He may need some encouragement to keep going, though like me, he has never needed much prompting to talk :)

However being a virgin to msn messenger and blogging..... I'd like you lot to go welcome him, leave him some comments and make him feel at home. Make sure you tell him his warped sister sent you, or he may think freaky people are stalking him!!!!!

Thank you
xoxox Von xoxox


Angry said...

Oh huney you look so pretty in your new clothes...

Congratulations on the new look, I love it.

kittyCat said...

Meeeow did ya c that butt angry

Angry said...

...I can't get my eyes off it.... delicious... mmmmmm....

Moley123 said...

You direct and I comment! lol.

Von said...

Due to the butt causing issues on the blog I have temporarily removed it while I try to figure out how to make the colours show up on the picture properly.

Calm down you pack of perverts, I will have the arse back up soon. Oh Angry and Kitty..... clean up the pool of drool you pair made on the floor please? Thank you

It is drool..... right?

xoxoxoxoxo Von

Moley123 said...

That's it ignore me! I'm not really here anyway! Sulk...

Von said...

Is that Moley I see sitting in my corner sulking?

**** sends Jess and Angry over to molest Moley with feathers and slurps until she stops sulking****